認識大腦的健康 – An Introduction To Brain Health

各位朋友, 歡迎參加開創會所中文愛心小組2020年10月17日(星期六)的在綫活動。

時間: 下午1點至2點半 
電話參與:778-907-2071 (免費)
會議 ID:867 4081 9203

講員:Sharon Tong (卑詩省阿茲海默氏症協會教育統籌)

大腦是人類一切生理活動的“總指揮”,它的健康關乎記憶、睡眠、運動、語言、感官等。如果在生活和工作中經常出現容易疲勞、反應能力降低、記憶力下降、不容易集中精神等症狀、就要警惕大腦“亞健康”了。在這個講座中,卑詩省阿兹海默症協會的Sharon Tong會教大家正確認識大腦的健康,分享腦退化症的相關只是和保護及維持大腦健康的方法。第二部分:打開心窗互助小組
時間: 下午2點半至4點


Welcome to join the Chinese Family Support Group event on October 17, 2020.

Part I: Free Online Seminar
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86740819203?pwd=U005T1dPWnEvM2tLb3VwZUc1a0oxZz09
Dial-in: +1 778 907 2071 (toll free)
Room ID: 867 4081 9203

Guest Speaker: Sharon Tong (Support and Education Coordinator)
Topic: An Introduction To Brain Health
(Cantonese with Mandarin interpretation)

The brain is the commander of all human physiological activities. Its health is influential to memory, sleep, exercise, language, and senses. If you are prone to fatigue, become less responsive, experience memory decline, and have difficulty concentrating in life and work, you should be alert to your brain’s health. In this lecture, Sharon Tong from the Alzheimer’s Association of British Columbia will help you gain a correct understanding of brain health, share knowledge about dementia and methods to protect and maintain brain health.Part II: Heart to Heart Support Group
Time: 2:30pm~4:00pm

This confidential interactive “Heart to Heart Sharing Group” is part of the Richmond Chinese Family Support Group. We meet once a month dedicated to provide people with an opportunity to understand the importance of proper and open communications in a positive manner through sharing and mutual support. Our focus is to encourage positive thinking and personal growth in dealing with daily issues.
