情緒與你 – Emotional Health

各位朋友, 歡迎參加開創會所中文愛心小組2020年7月11日(星期六)的在綫活動。

時間: 下午1點至2點半 
電話參與:778-907-2071 (免費)
Room ID:833 5664 7924

講員:Marco Ma (注冊心理咨詢師),Vivian Qi

情緒如四季般自然的發生,一旦情緒產生波動時,個人會表現愉快、氣憤、悲傷、焦慮、或失望等各種不同的內在感受。假如負面情緒常出現而且持續不斷,就會對個人產生負面的影響,如影響身心健康、人際關係或日常生活等。因此我們有必要正確認識情緒及管理情緒。 這個講座会分享:
1. 什麼是情緒健康?
2. 我們的情緒對心理和身體健康會有怎樣的影響?
3. 如何保持情緒健康?
時間: 下午2點半至4點
互助小組組員請聯係Frank獲取Zoom連接或Room ID。


Welcome to join the Chinese Family Support Group event on July 11, 2020.

Part I: Free Online Seminar
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83356647924
Dial-in: +1 778 907 2071 (toll free)
Room ID: 833 5664 7924

Guest Speaker: Marco Ma(Registered Clinical Counselor), Vivian Qi
Topic: Emotional Health
(Cantonese, with Mandarin interpretation)

Emotional health is an important part of overall health. Once the emotions fluctuate, individuals will experience various inner feelings such as happiness, anger, sadness, anxiety, or disappointment. If negative emotions appear frequently and continually, they will have a negative impact on individuals’ physical health, mental health, interpersonal relationships or daily life. Therefore, we must have a good understanding of emotions and manage them. This webinar will share:
1. What is emotional health?
2. How does emotional health affect our psychological and physical well-being? 
3. How to be emotionally healthy?
Part II: Heart to Heart Support Group
Time: 2:30pm~4:00pm
For support group members, please contact Frank for the Zoom link or Room ID.

This confidential interactive “Heart to Heart Sharing Group” is part of the Richmond Chinese Family Support Group. We meet once a month dedicated to provide people with an opportunity to understand the importance of proper and open communications in a positive manner through sharing and mutual support. Our focus is to encourage positive thinking and personal growth in dealing with daily issues.
