吃出好心情 – Eat Well for Mental Wellness

各位朋友, 歡迎參加開創會所中文愛心小組2020年11月14日(星期六)的在綫活動。

時間: 下午1點至2點半 
電話參與:778-907-2071 (免費)
會議 ID:880 9262 2856

講員:Amy Yiu (注冊營養師)

自疫情大流行發生以來,有研究顯示患心理疾病,尤其是抑鬱症的人數上升了!其實抑鬱症的成因不單止是心理性的,亦和大腦裡面一些化學物質的不平衡有關聯。本次講座中,註冊營養師,明報專欄作家Amy Yiu會和大家分享預防及緩解抑鬱情緒的要點,幫助大家瞭解自己的營養攝取量,介紹有對精神健康有影響的營養素和食物,並分享通過日常飲食補充營養素的簡易方法和食譜。
時間: 下午2點半至4點


Welcome to join the Chinese Family Support Group event on November 14, 2020.

Part I: Free Online Seminar
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88092622856?pwd=VE5JQ2UramZiZGM4YTFzbGpoZmRtUT09
Dial-in: +1 778 907 2071 (toll free)
Room ID: 880 9262 2856

Guest Speaker: Amy Yiu (Registered Dietitian)
Topic: Eat Well for Mental Wellness
(Cantonese with Mandarin interpretation)

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, studies have shown that the number of people suffering from mental illness, especially depression, has increased! In fact, the cause of depression is more than psychological factors. It’s related to the imbalance of some chemicals in the brain. In this siminar, Amy Yiu, a registered dietitian and Ming Pao columnist, will:
1. share with you the main points of preventing and relieving depression;
2. help you understand your nutritional intake;
3. introduce nutrients and foods that have an impact on mental health;
4. share simple methods and recipes for supplementing nutrients in daily diet.Part II: Heart to Heart Support Group
Time: 2:30pm~4:00pm

This confidential interactive “Heart to Heart Sharing Group” is part of the Richmond Chinese Family Support Group. We meet once a month dedicated to provide people with an opportunity to understand the importance of proper and open communications in a positive manner through sharing and mutual support. Our focus is to encourage positive thinking and personal growth in dealing with daily issues.
